Results for 'Kelly Thaysy Lopes Nascimento'

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  1.  18
    Impactos sociorreligiosos da pandemia de COVID-19 para imigrantes e igrejas brasileiras nos Estados Unidos.Kelly Thaysy Lopes Nascimento, Fernanda Lemos & Dario Paulo Barrera Rivera - 2023 - Horizonte 20 (63):206209-206209.
    No dia onze de março de 2020, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) anunciou o estabelecimento da pandemia proveniente de um novo vírus, o Sars-Cov-2, com propagação inicial em Wuhan, cidade localizada na China. Mediante sistematização de parâmetros ideais para um novo normal pós-pandemia, percebemos a importância de compreender como a comunidade migratória vivencia as novas configurações, tendo em vista o contexto cultural de produção do capital e também para as igrejas na relação de apoio sociorreligioso ao imigrante e sua (...)
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    O discurso citado na construção do ethos: análise discursivo-argumentativa de O país do carnaval, de Jorge Amado.Eduardo Lopes Piris & Darling Moreira do Nascimento - 2013 - Bakhtiniana 8 (1):220-232.
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    A docência em filosofia no contexto da profissão docente no país: aspectos conjunturais e reflexão filosófica.Christian Lindberg Lopes do Nascimento - 2018 - Filosofia E Educação 10 (2):310-330.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo expor um diagnóstico do docente de Filosofia, não descartando o uso de algumas informações gerais no que se refere à profissão de professor. A investigação, que surgiu da necessidade de suprir uma lacuna existente nos estudos sobre o ensino de Filosofia, partiu da seguinte questão: Qual é o perfil do docente de Filosofia? Alguns dados qualitativos e quantitativos foram considerados, como também a reflexão que Adorno fez em torno da docência. Do ponto de vista (...)
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    Kant e a mentira.Francisco Eliandro Souza do Nascimento & Jorge Luis Carneiro Lopes - 2015 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 11 (1):1-21.
    Neste artigo abordaremos a questão da mentira, em Kant, vinculando a questões de ordem moral. Pois, sendo a ética e o direito ramos da moral, o problema da mentira encontra-se em saber se ela é uma questão ética ou jurídica, ou se é um problema moral, que engloba tanto a ética como o direito, que não legitimam tal ato. Iniciaremos esta unidade com a análise dos conceitos de moral, ética e direito buscando compreender o que constitui cada um desses campos (...)
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    A presença da área Ensino de Filosofia nos cursos de licenciatura em Filosofia das universidades federais.Christian Lindberg Lopes do Nascimento - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-29.
    Resumo: O presente artigo tem por objetivo avaliar a presença da área Ensino de Filosofia nos cursos de licenciatura em Filosofia das universidades públicas federais. Para tanto, parte-se da seguinte indagação: A área Ensino de Filosofia existe nos cursos de licenciatura em Filosofia? A questão surge a partir de um problema detectado em outros estudos, a saber, o forte caráter bacharelesco existente nos cursos de licenciatura em Filosofia. Após consultar o Projeto Político-Pedagógico (PPP’s) destes cursos, constatou-se que, embora tímida, a (...)
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    A Moral Lockeana Nos Manuscritos de 1660 Até 1688.Christian Lindberg Lopes do Nascimento - 2015 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 7 (13):1-14.
    A argumentação exposta a seguir abordará como o tema da moral foi desenvolvido nos livros que Locke produziu entre os anos de 1660 e 1688. Este recorte temporal justifica-se porque a aparente controvérsia entre a Ciência e a Religião se faz presente. Para o êxito da pesquisa, utilizou-se o seguinte referencial teórico: a fonte primária foi extraída dos textos de Locke, nas secundárias, há outros manuscritos dos comentadores julgados como relevantes. Por fim, a leitura, a análise e a interpretação dos (...)
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  7.  22
    Locke E o direito dos pobres.Christian Lindberg Lopes do Nascimento - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 38:89-106.
    A Inglaterra vivida por Locke é marcada, contraditoriamente, pelo crescimento da pobreza num cenário de prosperidade econômica. Esta situação fez com que o Estado investisse em políticas assistenciais, fato observado por ele com certa ressalva, já que o filósofo inglês diagnosticou que a pobreza é fruto da degeneração moral que marcava uma parcela da sociedade. Entretanto, sabe-se que o conceito lockeano de propriedade garante o direito à vida como natural a todos, direito garantindo mesmo após a passagem para a sociedade (...)
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    Inovações Metodológicas No Ensino de Filosofia Na Universidade.Rita Helena Sousa Ferreira Gomes, Deni Elliot Noronha Lopes, Elias Sá de Lima, Eliandro Antonio do Nascimento, Yorrana Ferreira Tomaz de Lima & Alexandre Willians Nascimento - 2023 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 14 (27):282-304.
    O artigo pretende contribuir com as discussões sobre o ensino de filosofia, partilhando achados de uma pesquisa realizada com duas turmas de estudantes universitários na disciplina de Estética (Curso de Música -Licenciatura). As inovações metodológicas aplicadas nas turmas buscaram valorizar o ensino de filosofia em diálogo permanente com as vivências cotidianas e artísticas dos estudantes através de atividades em sala sistematicamente vinculadas aos temas previstos no programa da disciplina. Os resultados dos dados apontaram que as estratégias metodológicas de ensino utilizadas (...)
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    Dispositional Flow and Performance in Brazilian Triathletes.William Fernando Garcia, Renan Codonhato, Marcus Vinicius Mizoguchi, José Roberto Andrade do Nascimento Junior, Paulo Vitor Suto Aizava, Marcelen Lopes Ribas, Aryelle Malheiros Caruzzo, João Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci & Lenamar Fiorese - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Efforts on Changing Lifestyle Behaviors May Not Be Enough to Improve Health-Related Quality of Life Among Adolescents: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial.Alexsandra da Silva Bandeira, Michael W. Beets, Pablo Magno da Silveira, Marcus Vinicius Veber Lopes, Valter Cordeiro Barbosa Filho, Bruno G. G. da Costa & Kelly Samara Silva - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Schools have been the main context for physical activity and sedentary behavior interventions among adolescents, but there is inconsistent evidence on whether they also improve dimensions of the health−related quality of life. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a school-based active lifestyle intervention on dimensions of HRQoL. A secondary aim was to verify whether sex, age, and HRQoL at baseline were moderators of the intervention effect. A cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted at three control and (...)
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    Aguda Blues, from Salvador de Bahia to the Gulf of Benin.Marcos Carvalho Lopes & Sanya Osha - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (1):174-182.
    The Afro-Brazilian connections between the coast of West Africa and Brazil date back to the transatlantic slave trade and the Muslim uprising in Bahia in 1933. After this major rebellion, many former slaves returned to West Africa bearing a large Brazilian cultural imprint consisting of architectural skills, culinary traditions, and song and dance. They also brought back Brazilian names and cosmopolitan outlooks. From Africa, enslaved Africans carried with them to Brazil philosophical and cosmological outlooks and indeed, culture generally. Some of (...)
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    Curso de Geografia de Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Marcos Saiande Casado & Marcos Antonio de Carvalho Lopes - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 15 (39):360-371.
    Curso de Geografia de Jean-Jacques Rousseau integra o X volume da edição de OEuvres complètes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Édition thématique du Tricentenaire, Slatkine/Honoré Champion (2012), subintitulado Escritos Científicos. Para esta tradução, além do texto consagrado na edição do tricentenário, também utilizamos a edição norte-americana dos textos de Rousseau organizada por Christopher Kelly, intitulada Autobiographical, scientific, religious, moral, and literary writings (2007). Preservamos, integralmente, as indispensáveis notas ao texto em língua francesa, que são de autoria de Christophe Van Staen.
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  13. Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government.Erin Kelly & Philip Pettit - 1999 - Philosophical Review 108 (1):90.
    In his most recent book, Philip Pettit presents and defends a “republican” political philosophy that stems from a tradition that includes Cicero, Machiavelli, James Harrington, Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Madison. The book provides an interpretation of what is distinctive about republicanism—namely, Pettit claims, its notion of freedom as nondomination. He sketches the history of this notion, and he argues that it entails a unique justification of certain political arrangements and the virtues of citizenship that would make those arrangements possible. Of (...)
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    The Naturalized and Dialectical Ontologies of Nietzsche and Nishida.Kelly Louise Rexzy P. Agra - 2019 - Kritike 13 (2):113-130.
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    Hume's Sceptical Foundation of the Sciences.Kelly Edward Mink - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (2):13-31.
  16. I Eat, Therefore I Am: Disgust and the Intersection of Food and Identity.Daniel Kelly & Nicolae Morar - 2018 - In Anne Barnhill, Mark Budolfson & Tyler Doggett, The Oxford Handbook of Food Ethics. Oxford University Press. pp. 637 - 657.
  17. The depressed mother.Kelly Oliver - 2002 - In Kelly Oliver & Steve Edwin, Between the psyche and the social: psychoanalytic social theory. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 49.
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  18. Donald L. Gelpi, The Gracing of Human Experience: Rethinking the Relationship between Nature and Grace Reviewed by.Kelly A. Parker - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22 (4):274-276.
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  19. Joseph Brent's Peirce: The Question of Ethics.Kelly Parker - unknown
    of some controversy.0 On the one hand, the logic books warn us that it is an error either to condemn or praise a system of ideas on the basis of its author’s life. In that direction lie the ad hominem, ad populum, and empty arguments from authority. We do well to beware of the genetic fallacy. On the other hand, we believe that philosophical ideas do have consequences for life, and we are right to look to their originators’ lives for (...)
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  20.  20
    Disagreement in Philosophy.Thomas Kelly - 2016 - In Herman Cappelen, Tamar Gendler & John Hawthorne, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This article explores the epistemological significance of disagreement in philosophy in the light of some currently prominent theories of disagreement. More specifically, it asks whether the kind of pervasive and intractable disagreement that is characteristic of philosophy warrants a certain kind of skepticism about the subject. Some hold that, given the kind of disagreement found in philosophy, it would be irrational to hold confident views about controversial philosophical questions. According to this line of thought, the rational response to the diversity (...)
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  21. A Reading of Two Sources of Morality and Religion, or Bergsonian Wisdom, Emotion, and Integrity.Michael R. Kelly - 2013 - In P. Adroin, S. Gontarski & L. Pattison, Understanding Bergson, Understanding Modernism. Bloomsbury Academic.
  22.  62
    The Justice and mercy of god.Gerard Kelly - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (2):198.
    Kelly, Gerard There has always been a tension between the justice and the mercy of God. The two seem very uneasy companions. In the mind of some, justice and mercy are mutually exclusive. This, then, plays out in society and the way we practise justice. From my point of view, as a theologian, there is a genuine theological question here and it concerns how we understand God, and as a consequence how we understand the relationship between justice and mercy. (...)
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  23. Misogynistic Dehumanization.Filipa Melo Lopes - forthcoming - Social Theory and Practice.
    The idea that women qua women can be dehumanized has been dismissed by feminist philosophers, like Kate Manne, and by philosophers of dehumanization, like David Livingstone Smith. Against these skeptics, I argue that we can and should use dehumanization to explain an important strand of misogyny. When they are dehumanized, women are represented simultaneously as human and as inhuman embodiments of the natural world. They therefore appear as magical, contaminating, sexualized threats towards whom violence is acceptable or even necessary. Misogynistic (...)
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  24. Phenomenological Distinctions: Two Types of Envy and their Difference from Covetousness.Michael R. Kelly - 2016 - In J. Aaron Simmons & J. Edward Hackett, Phenomenology for the Twenty-first Century. [United States]: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  25. Envy and Ressentiment, a Difference in Kind: A Critique and Renewal of Scheler's Phenomenological Account - See more at: R. Kelly - 2016 - In Michael R. Kelly & Brian Harding, Early Phenomenology: Metaphysics, Ethics, and the Philosophy of Religion. London: Bloomsbury.
  26. Procreative beneficence and the prospective parent.P. Herissone-Kelly - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (3):166-169.
    Julian Savulescu has given clear expression to a principle—that of “procreative beneficence”—which underlies the thought of many contemporary writers on bioethics. The principle of procreative beneficence holds that parents or single reproducers are at least prima facie obliged to select the child, out of a range of possible children they might have, who will be likely to lead the best life. My aim in this paper is to argue that prospective parents, just by dint of their being prospective parents, are (...)
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  27. Perpetuating the patriarchy: misogyny and (post-)feminist backlash.Filipa Melo Lopes - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (9):2517-2538.
    How are patriarchal regimes perpetuated and reproduced? Kate Manne’s recent work on misogyny aims to provide an answer to this central question. According to her, misogyny is a property of social environments where women perceived as violating patriarchal norms are ‘kept down’ through hostile reactions coming from men, other women and social structures. In this paper, I argue that Manne’s approach is problematically incomplete. I do so by examining a recent puzzling social phenomenon which I call (post-)feminist backlash: the rise (...)
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    Organizational Change, Normative Control Deinstitutionalization, and Corruption.Kelly D. Martin, Jean L. Johnson & John B. Cullen - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (1):105-130.
    ABSTRACT:Despite widespread attention to corruption and organizational change in the literature, to our knowledge, no research has attempted to understand the linkages between these two powerful organizational phenomena. Accordingly, we draw on major theories in ethics, sociology, and management to develop a theoretical framework for understanding how organizational change can sometimes generate corruption. We extend anomie theory and ethical climate theory to articulate the deinstitutionalization of the normative control system and argue that, through this deinstitutionalization, organizations have the potential to (...)
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  29.  51
    Family Values: Subjects Between Nature and Culture.Kelly Oliver - 1997 - Routledge.
    Family Values shows how the various contradictions at the heart of Western conceptions of maternity and paternity problematize our relationships with ourselves and with others. Using philosophical texts, psychoanalytic theory, studies in biology and popular culture, Kelly Oliver challenges our traditional concepts of maternity which are associated with nature, and our conceptions of paternity which are embedded in culture. Oliver's intervention calls into question the traditional image of the oppositional relationship between nature and culture, maternal and paternal. Family Values (...)
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    Epistemology Without Certainty or Necessity.Kelly Becker - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Research:285-319.
    In Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, Richard Rorty presents powerful arguments against traditional epistemology, conceived as a quest both for empirical grounds that provide certainty and for necessary truths that provide a conceptual framework within which to couch empirical findings. Rorty finds traditional epistemology in general, and specifically any appeal to representation that might ground knowledge, to be an unmitigated failure. In this paper, I show that Rorty at least considered but ultimately rejected the possibility of a type of (...)
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    Movimentos de resistência ao poder pastoral na Idade Média.Maurino Marques Nascimento Junior - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):260-266.
    The called Middle Ages was a time marked by the outbreak of resistance movements which had as main and common characteristic the opposition to the stance adopted by the Roman Catholic Church during this period of history. The target of this research is to identify the main features of the clergy in this period, as well as identify what were these resistance movements and their theological basis. The method adopted here is to search for bibliographical material, establishing as the main (...)
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    A Fourteenth Century Turkic Translation of Saʿdi's GulistānA Fourteenth Century Turkic Translation of Sadi's Gulistan.James M. Kelly, A. Bodrogligeti, Saʿdi & Sadi - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (2):238.
  33.  14
    Carl Schmitt’s Political Theory of Dictatorship.Duncan Kelly - 2016 - In Jens Meierhenrich & Oliver Simons, The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter reconstructs the intellectual-historical background to Carl Schmitt's well-known analysis of the problem of dictatorship and the powers of the Reichspräsident under the Weimar Constitution. The analysis focuses both on Schmitt's wartime propaganda work, concerning a distinction between the state of siege and dictatorship, as well as on his more general analysis of modern German liberalism. It demonstrates why Schmitt attempted to produce a critical history of the history of modern political thought with the concept of dictatorship at its (...)
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  34.  38
    Ingilizce-Türkçe Sözlüǧü. Redhouse English-Turkish DictionaryIngilizce-Turkce Sozlugu. Redhouse English-Turkish Dictionary.James M. Kelly, Robert Avery, Serap Bezmez, Anna G. Edmonds & Mehlika Yayali - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):151.
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    Kanz al-mulūk fī kaifiyyat as-sulūk: The Treasure of Princes on the Fashion of Behaviour. Ascribed to Sibṭ Ibn al-DjauzīKanz al-muluk fi kaifiyyat as-suluk: The Treasure of Princes on the Fashion of Behaviour. Ascribed to Sibt Ibn al-Djauzi.James M. Kelly, Gösta Vitestam & Gosta Vitestam - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (1):97.
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  36. Philosophy of Law: Classic and Contemporary Readings.Larry May & Jeff Brown (eds.) - 2009 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Cottingham : Western philosophy : an anthology (second edition) -- Cahoone : from modernism to postmodernism : an anthology (expanded -- Second edition) -- Lafollette : ethics in practice : an anthology (third edition) -- Goodin and Pettit: contemporary political philosophy: an anthology (second -- Edition) -- Eze: african philosophy : an anthology -- McNeill and Feldman : continental philosophy : an anthology -- Kim and Sosa : metaphysics : an anthology -- Lycan and Prinz : mind and cognition : (...)
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    Why we should(n’t) be discretionists about free will.Kelly McCormick - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (10):2489-2498.
    One of the projects Shaun Nichols takes up in Bound is to provide a folk psychological diagnosis of the problem of free will. As part of this diagnosis, Nichols suggests that the dispute between eliminativists and preservationists depends to some extent on assumptions about the way ‘free will’ refers. In light of this, he argues that we might have good reason to accept a discretionary view of free will. Here, I will focus on teasing out some of the more fine-grained (...)
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  38. Método e Natureza Humana Nas Primeiras Orações de Vico: Uma Perspectiva de Pluralidade Metodológica.Marcelo Lopes Rosa - 2025 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 16 (41):179-194.
    O objetivo principal deste artigo é apresentar a evolução que a relação entre o método e a ordem da natureza humana percorreu nas primeiras orações de Vico, a qual resultará em uma crítica à reivindicação moderna por uma universalidade metodológica. Assim, desde a Primeira Oração, é possível perceber que a atenção de Vico à ordem das coisas resulta na proposta de adequação entre método e objeto, evitando um método único diante da pluralidade de dificuldades epistêmicas. Dessa maneira, sua proposta de (...)
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  39. Liberalism.Paul Kelly - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (222):149-152.
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    (1 other version)The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism.Kelly James Clark (ed.) - 2015 - Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Since the turn of the twenty-first century, naturalism has become one of the most prominent philosophical orthodoxies in the Western academy. Yet naturalism is more often assumed than defended. The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism offers a systematic introduction that defines, discusses and defends philosophical naturalism. Essays tackle naturalism’s role in existing cultural conversations, from Libertarianism to Confucianism, and provide detailed examinations of philosophical concepts like metaphysics, realism, feminism, science, free will, and ethics as viewed through a naturalist lens. With contributions (...)
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  41. A relação de Nietzsche com suas fontes filosóficas: Uma taxonomia dos usos.Rogerio Lopes - 2024 - Modernos and Contemporâneos: Revista de Filosofia Do Ifch da Universidade Estadual de Campinas 8 (18):18-42.
    The aim of this paper is, firstly, to present some reasons why source criticism is a particularly promising methodological approach when applied to Nietzsche’s work. Starting from a first taxonomy, devoted to the various methodological approaches in the history of philosophy, I argue that source criticism is particularly well suited to dealing with Nietzsche’s work, due to the enthymematic nature of the ways he presents his arguments as well as to the nature of some of his substantive philosophical commitments (such (...)
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    Feminist Interpretations of Friedrich Nietzsche.Kelly Oliver & Marilyn Pearsall (eds.) - 1998 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Nietzsche has the reputation of being a virulent misogynist, so why are feminists interested in his philosophy? The essays in this volume provide answers to this question from a variety of feminist perspectives. The organization of the volume into two sets of essays, "Nietzsche's Use of Woman" and "Feminists' Use of Nietzsche," reflects the two general approaches taken to the issue of Nietzsche and woman. First, many debates have focused on how to interpret Nietzsche's remarks about women and femininity. Are (...)
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    Cognition-emotion interactions: patterns of change and implications for math problem solving.Kelly Trezise & Robert A. Reeve - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  44. Trinity or Tritheism?Kelly James Clark - 1996 - Religious Studies 32 (4):463 - 476.
    The focus of this paper is the social trinitarian account in Richard Swinburne's "The Christian God." After setting out the route Swinburne follows in reaching his conclusions about the Godhead, I endeavour to show two things: (i) that his account does not avoid the charge of tritheism and thus is not faithful to key elements in the Christian creeds; (ii) the philosophical moves behind his conclusions are not compelling if, as we can, we challenge his assumptions about divine necessity. A (...)
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    Care Ethics and Confucianism: Caring through Li.Kelly Epley - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (4):881-896.
    The role of li, or ritual, in Confucianism is a perceived impediment to interpreting Confucianism to share a similar ethical framework with care ethics because care ethics is a form of moral particularism. I argue that this perception is false. The form of moral particularism promoted by care ethicists does not entail the abandonment of social conventions such as li. On the contrary, providing good care often requires employing systems of readily recognizable norms in order to ensure that care is (...)
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    Digital dream analysis: A revised method.Kelly Bulkeley - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 29:159-170.
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    Darstellungen in The Principles of Mechanics and the Tractatus: The Representation of Objects in Relation in Hertz and Wittgenstein.Kelly Hamilton - 2002 - Perspectives on Science 10 (1):28-68.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein's conception of the role of objects in our philosophical understanding of the logic of our language is critical for his early philosophy in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. While the important connections between Heinrich Hertz's Principles of Mechanics and Wittgenstein's Tractatus have long been recognized, recent work by Jed Buchwald has deepened our knowledge of the importance of the object-orientation of Hertz's scientific work in a manner that should also deepen our understanding of the nature of objects in the Tractatus. (...)
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    Stress-induced analgesia: Effect of naloxone following cold water swims.Richard J. Bodnar, Dennis D. Kelly, Angela Spiaggia, Constantine Pavlides & Murray Glusman - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (2):125-128.
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    A revista Paz e Terra: um lugar da memória da comunicação religiosa, ecumênica e política no Brasil.Magali do Nascimento Cunha - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (56):513-513.
    This article aims to examine the relevance of counter-information productions developed during the military dictatorship in Brazil by religious groups. The object is the journal Paz e Terra, by Editora Civilização Brasileira in the 1960s, as a unique initiative in the field of religious, ecumenical and political communication. In order to respond to the Research problem “what is the place of the journal Paz e Terra in the memory of religious media productions in Brazil?” the article refers its basis in (...)
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  50. Apresentação.Fernando do Nascimento Gonçalves - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (2):7-9.
    A crise dos modelos de representação fundadas em unidades coerentes e ordenadas parece ter como um dos traços o que Bruno Latour (1993) chamou de “híbridos”(1). Os híbridos são a figura da multiplicidade que não cabe em categorias e que a modernidade “varia para baixo do tapete”. Atualmente, assistimos ao “retorno dos que nunca foram”, que interpelam de forma contundente nossas formas de vida, fortemente apoiadas na técnica. Mas como apreender os fluxos de discursos e práticas mediatizadas que nos atravessam (...)
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